With a Status Card, you may be eligible for therapy paid for by the NIHB program.

If you are First Nation or Inuk, the Canadian government, through Indigenous Services Canada, may cover costs for up to 22 hours per year of mental health counselling.

Indigenous Services Canada provides Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) as a component of mental wellness programs, offering coverage for professional mental health counselling to supplement available services in communities or for clients.

These benefits aim to enhance mental wellness by bridging gaps in support networks and services.

More Info About NIHB

Find the support you deserve to work through the challenging aspects of your life that matter to you.

These challenges may include but are not limited to, intergenerational trauma, being a residential school survivor, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) epidemic, trauma, abuse, substance use, relationship challenges, separation or divorce, parenting difficulties, anger management, anxiety, depression, grief, and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, a client must be a resident of Canada, and one of the following:

  • a First Nations individual who is registered according to the Indian Act (commonly referred to as a "Status Indian")
  • an Inuk recognized by one of the Inuit land claim organizations as outlined in Inuit client eligibility for NIHB
  • a child less than 2 years old, whose parent is an NIHB-eligible client

Eligible clients can receive up to 22 hours of counselling per year.

In some cases, those hours can be extended. This allotment of time recognizes that healing of trauma and treatment of mental health issues requires ongoing engagement and support.

If you are First Nations or Inuk, Floodgate Coaching, Counselling and Consulting can validate eligibility and handle the claims process for you as we are experienced with the complexities of dealing with government agencies. You, and possibly your dependents are likely eligible if you have a Status Card. If you do not have one, the government of Canada suggests obtaining one to preserve NIHB and other benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

To learn more, read below


When can I get started?

Almost immediately. As a private mental health agency, we have no waiting lists.

What about privacy?

Many people are concerned about privacy but usually find creative ways to find quiet spaces away from other people. Often community centres, libraries or band offices are happy to make internet-enabled meeting rooms available.

Are there any upfront fees?

You do not have to pay any fees out of pocket as we will process claims directly with NIHB.

How do I get started?

Please go to our 'Book Now' tab and choose the “Starting the Process” option. From there you can book a free 20 minute consultation with Becky at a time that suits your schedule. During this session you will learn more about the process for NIHB and see how Becky can help meet your individual or family counselling needs.

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