Defining awesome,
“Awesome” is almost always linked to strong positive emotions. A simple definition of awesome: inspiring awe or admiration, or wonder.
Other words that are similar to awesome include: amazing, excellent, marvelous, exceptional, wonderful, fantastic, phenomenal, and brilliant.
“Awesome” can be used to describe objects, events or experiences, skills or talents, and even people.
In this blog, I will provide a guide to help you find your awesomeness within. Read on to discover the incredible reality of who you really are.
Everyone is awesome, even you!
No two people are the same: different appearance, personalities, talents, skills, abilities, strengths, limitations, etc. In our differences, we find our own unique version of awesome.
You’re awesome!
Yes, you are! Not everyone will see it in you; not everyone has their eyes open to your specific brand of awesome. And that is okay. Awesome exists whether it is seen or not. In fact, your awesomeness exists even when you don’t see it.
There is and never has been another you!
You are the only one who can be you! You were created in the image of God! You bear His image! God knits you together in your mother’s womb and sees you as so valuable that He even knows the number of hairs on your head. I think that is pretty awesome! Don’t you?
How to truly know yourself
In order to truly know yourself and embrace the awesome within; first, we need to bring awareness and knowledge of how awesome you really are. Here we ask questions like: What is your identity? Who do you say you are? What makes you, you? How would you describe yourself? These questions require courage, honesty, and a willingness to adopt both an optimistic and a realistic view of yourself. The awesomeness of you does not solely rest in your gifts, talents, and strengths but also in your imperfections and weaknesses.
So the first thing to do is recognize your limitations
- Know and accept your limitations.
- Every one of us has limitations, flaws, or imperfections.
- No one can be everything to everyone.
- We can not be good at everything.
Many of us know our flaws even better than our strengths, and we go to great lengths to hide those imperfections from others. And why do we do that? Most often, it is because we fear rejection or judgment from others. That fear can be a powerful force preventing us from living authentically. We start spending too much energy hiding our flaws instead of showcasing our strengths.
Everything that you can not do, someone else can
The areas where your weaknesses lie are areas where others are strong. That’s where our limitations create opportunities for others to showcase their strengths. When we hide our limitations, we rob others of their chance to shine.
You are made up of both your limitations and your strengths
Limitations don’t exist alongside your awesomeness; your awesomeness is because of both strengths and limitations.
Know your gifts and talents
What are your abilities and competencies? What are you good at? Do you have any special skills or talents? E.g., Athletic, musical, problem solving, mechanical? Or spiritual gifts?
For a second, imagine someone with a spectacular talent like playing the piano. What if they had never had the opportunity to play? Their gift would lay dormant, no one ever knowing the beautiful gift they have.
Try new things, and see what hidden talents you might have!
Know your personal preferences
What activities do you enjoy? What do you enjoy doing? Do you like to cook? Do you like to read? What kinds of books? Movies? What kind? Like to ski or swim or run? Why do you like those things? What social settings do you prefer? What job tasks do you enjoy or not enjoy? What foods do you like or dislike? What chores do you prefer? Etc.
Knowing preferences helps us to understand motivations and know what we want in life.
Know your personality, temperament, and character traits
They influence how we interact and express ourselves socially, how we gather information and process data, how we prioritize thoughts and feelings, and how we live our outward life.
- Are you energized by being around people, or do you need to refuel by being alone?
- Do you tend to rely on your five senses for knowing, or do you rely on a sixth sense or gut feeling?
- Are you a literal or abstract thinker?
- Do you focus on facts or read between the lines? Do you display emotion on the outside or keep emotion on the inside?
Know your core values
What do you value? Is it compassion? Kindness? Justice? Peace? Honesty? Popularity? Leadership? Wealth? Friendship? Loyalty?
Not just what values are, but how they interact. Hierarchy of values: what is most important? When one value comes into conflict with another, which one takes priority? For example, honesty vs. kindness. Sometimes, being kind means not being completely honest, or being honest feels unkind.
Know your history
Where have you come from? Where have you been? Family history, relationship dynamics, traditions, ethnic/cultural/religious heritage, and whether it was the same or different from the dominant culture around you. Did you live in one place or move to different places? What is your first language (Yes, language also influences how we see the world)? How are you influenced by your experience of gender/gender roles? Do you have a history of trauma or abuse?
What life experiences have shaped you into the person you are today?
Know your worth/value
Each person has value and worth.
Recognizing value is not what makes it valuable. For example, if someone loses a diamond and it falls among the rocks, it is not less valuable just because you don’t know it’s there.
Awareness or lack of awareness does not affect its value. Just because you don’t see your value or your awesomeness doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
The positive or negative reactions of others can impact self-worth, we can not control how others react to us, but we can control which people we choose to listen to. We can choose to set boundaries, so people who speak negatively in our life have less opportunity to do so. Importantly we can choose to surround ourselves with people who build us up.
So be kind to yourself. A little positive self-talk can go a long way in countering the naysayers in your life.
Don’t compare yourself
Comparing ourselves to others is part of human nature, but be aware of it and remember that everyone, including you, has value. Don’t use comparing to devalue yourself or others. Different is good!
In general, self-discovery isn’t something that happens overnight. In some ways, you have an advantage since you know something about yourself already. It does, however, take time and patience, just like getting to know someone.
If you are ready to connect with your awesome self, to know, to appreciate, and to love yourself on a deeper level, and authentically connect with others, then please reach out to me at Floodgate Coaching, Counselling, and Consulting. While based in Guelph, ON, services are virtual and can be accessed anywhere.
I have worked in mental health and addictions for over twenty years. I am passionate about helping people be the best versions of themselves. My mission is to build a strong foundation of resilience, self-knowledge, and self-confidence in you. I endeavor to break down barriers and help you live life with meaning and purpose so the fullness of your potential can start to flow.
Get in touch with me today!
To learn more about the services I offer, please click here. To get in touch with me, please click here or call me at
(226) 789-9965 or email me at info@floodgatecoaching.ca.
Becky Hills
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